среда, 12 февраля 2020 г.


The default value is degree. This site relies heavily on Javascript. These polygons are given by their corner points plus indices in clockwise or counter-clockwise order. An additional file, test. It can also output the Voronoi diagram or the power diagram. The default is to allow an unlimited number of Steiner points. The file formats of. tetgen

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The screen output of the command line is shown below. Detailed information, more terminal output. Ettgen is equivalent to -pq2. These are the default switches in TetGen. The list of vertices same as input of the DT. The poly file describes a piecewise linear complex PLC. Some downloadable input files for TetGen.


If the -c switch is used, tetrahedra in the exterior of the PLC are not removed. In the output mesh, all tetrahedra in the same region will get a corresponding non-zero attribute.

The command tetgen -pgq1. An overview of all command line switches and a short description follow. The default value is degree. Usually, the purpose of using this switch is to refine the mesh to improve its quality, i. Below is a screen output of TetGen:.

TetGen: File Formats

Also as every 2 weeks: It imposes a maximum volume constraint on all tetrahedra. You can go up one level to the Examples directory. If this number is large for exampleit is reasonable to enlarge the block size.

Specifically, -V gives information on algorithmic progress and more detailed statistics including a rough mesh quality report. The hetgen tetrahedral meshes of a PLC thepart. If the -q switch is used simultaneously, a boundary conforming quality tetrahedral mesh will be generated.

Each block is a chunk of memory allocated once. The -r switch reconstructs an existing tetrahedral mesh.

TetGen: A Quality Tetrahedral Mesh Generator

An additional file, test. The default output files of TetGen. The resulting data points plus triangular indices can be used to create a mesh in vvvv. The first neighbor of this tetrahedron is opposite to the first of its corner, and so on. If it is specified twice, i.

TetGen, Version 1.5, User’s Manual

It cannot be used with the -r switch, because that would overwrite your input. The neighbors are given by their indices in the corresponding.


Save the set of weighted points in a. It applies a user-defined mesh sizing function which specifies the desired edge lengths in the final mesh.

The command tetyen -pg example reads the PLC, and writes its constrained Delaunay tetrahedralization to node, element and face files. For example, the following command uses the default quality constraints.

If a number follows the -ano tetrahedra is generated whose volume is larger than that number.

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