воскресенье, 9 февраля 2020 г.


Based on events you trigger whilst playback, a composition maker allows you to create even larger sequences of songs. FractMus is a free algorithmic-music generator, that is, it creates melodies using mathematical formulas. January 19, Freeware. Click to load comments. The program features sixteen-voice multitimbral polyphony. fractmus

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Think of it as a tool which gives you raw material that you can develop further.

January 19, Freeware. FractMus was reviewed by Mircea Dragomir.

You can set a different math algorithm for each audio layer. Voices can be assigned instruments, dynamics, speaker output, algorithms, scales, note durations, etc, completely independent from each other. To sum it up, FractMus can be used to put those math formulas you learned to good use.

Each voice can be assigned to one of the sixteen midi channels percussion channel is usually channel 9. All of these algorithms farctmus be tweakd.


Writing a midi file and later importing it with music-editing programs gives you the invaluable option of seeing your creation as a fractmua score, with all the correct pitches and durations, for later editing. On the visual side of things, the application looks rather rough, or overwhelming, to be more precise.

You have 15 pre-defined scales to choose from and the possibility to create your own. General song options are also shown in the fraactmus window.

Fractal Music programs

FractMus uses only a few of the infinite algorithms for note creation. The program features sixteen-voice multitimbral polyphony.


Click to load comments. FractMus is a free algorithmic-music generator, that is, it creates melodies using mathematical formulas. Based on events you trigger whilst playback, a composition maker allows you to create even larger sequences of songs.

Additional options can be used to ffractmus even more out of your songs.

As such, you can easily set tempo, start and end counters, as well fracttmus time signature. With it also comes a randomizer for more variety. Sure enough, no actual math knowledge is required, because the algorithms used are already configured. As neat as this may be, the only use for generated files can be in video games, or for sound effects, with little control over sequences and sound itself.

Compose with 16 voice multitimbral polyphony, using FractMus algorithmic synthesizer

Enable Desktop Gadgets on Windows You can also define your own note-duration. FractMus will create no masterpiece for you, nor it was designed for that. Built in scales include: Some of them exhibit fractal behavior, like the Morse-Thue sequence, Henon attractor, gingerbread man fractal, etc, while others use well-known formulas from chaotic dynamics, like the Logistic Map.

The application is slightly different than your average music making program, in the sense that it uses mathematical algorithms to generate sound.


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